民营公司 少于50人 医疗设备/器械 计算机软件
民营公司 少于50人 医疗设备/器械 计算机软件
DigitalMAXTM, as a brand of our enterprise, is concentrated on R&D and manufacturing of integrated digital operating room solution and surgical instruments. DigitalMAXTM stands on the surgeon demands, making the clinical diagnosis, picture archive and patient information for date integration, and make the most use of the advantages of mobile internet, to assist the clinical department to construct 360° operating and demonstration platform.The Headquarter is set up in Poly V North Tower, located at the center of CBD in Pearl River New Town of Guangzhou. Other offices has also set up in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu.DigitalMAXTM will keep concentrating on the service for clinic, and aspire to be the leading enterprise in the field of integrated digital operating room in recent years, in terms of our hi-tech products, professional service as well as the good relationship with our partners.盛利医疗是一家专业从事数字化手术室解决方案和外科手术器械的研发生产型企业。我们立足手术医生的需求,将医学诊疗、影像数据、病人信息进行数据整合,充分利用移动互联网的优势,协助临床科室建设360°手术示教平台。总部位于广州CBD中心珠江新城保利威座,目前在北京已设立办事处,公司坚持为临床服务的务实理念,立志近年内凭借高科技产品,专业的服务,以及良好的渠道关系,成为国内数字化手术室的领军企业。